Ok, now it’s getting absurd…
Author Archives: admin
Hair/Vray/SolidRocks v2
Rug_Test: Hair/Vray/SolidRocks
Marvelous Designer 2: first steps
First steps with Marvelous Designer 2
Plug-in: procedurale
A little test of the plug-in procedurale
TP-Mograph-Tracer Hair-Rendertest
Maxwell Hair & Grass + Emitter Test
Dynamic Auto-Painter
Dynamic Auto-Painter creates quite nice paint-ish effects using even rather simple initials:
The initial picture was a raw scribble containing a bit of vray-fog:
Some more examples of more or less simple 3d-scenes, processed with DAP:
VRay Fog-Test
A small test animation, with which I wanted to try some of the new fog-features in vray.
Beware, here’s a bit of a trick at work! It’s not the noise, that is animated, but the camera moves through the noise 😉
Thinking Particles / Mograph – Test
TP_Mograph Test from Mesut Capkin on Vimeo.
“Maxwell Fire”
Sneak-Preview of the new “Maxwell Fire”
Maxwell: 1-Frame Multilightanimation
Maxwell: one scene, two lightings
HDRI-Lighting: one scene, different HDR-Maps
Portfolio: Commercial Projects
3D in Industry / Production
3D in Architecture
3D in Infographics
Portfolio: Private Projects
Commercial Cooperations
In cooperation with the following clients / teams / employers and customers
filestyle, hamburg | lex lumen, hamburg | mediengestaltung haack, middelhagen | architekturbüro capkun, gelsenkirchen | stadtverwaltung, gelsenkirchen | golden section graphics, berlin | kircherburkhardt, berlin | von ohr & partner, berlin | ulrich greiwe, berlin | begehungen.de, berlin | gedankenwerk, essen | tom briele, essen | agentur scheumann, wuppertal | pbrealities, grafenau | jc culture, singapur
projects have been processed, that found their use in diverse branches / cooperations / brands:
media berliner morgenpost | beobachter | bestpractice (t-systems) | evonik-magazin | atrium | fast company | issues (vattenfall) | impulse | men’s journal | ocean | planet (lufthansa cargo) | sap five | san francisco chronicle | segeln | stern | stern view | sz wissen | tagesspiegel | think:act (roland berger) | welt am sonntag | welt kompakt | wirtschaftswoche | zeit wissen | stern.de | welt.de | bild.de | tagesschau (ard aktuell) | tagesthemen (ard aktuell)
publishers axel springer ag, berlin | reader’s digest d. verlag das beste, stuttgart | hoffmann & campe, hamburg | zeitverlag gerd bucerius, hamburg | madsack supplement, hannover | wenner media, new york
agencies burdayukom publishing, münchen | mutabor design, hamburg | filestyle, hamburg | ringzwei, hamburg | gedankenwerk, essen | kircher burkhardt, berlin | golden section graphics, berlin | scholz&friends, berlin | sports+media connections, berlin | razorfish, berlin | graphic news ltd, london | muehlhaus & moers kommunikation, köln | bbdo düsseldorf, düsseldorf | mediengestaltung haack, rügen | jc culture, singapur
cooperations, authorities, organisations architekt capkun, frankfurt am main | pbrealities, grafenau | begehungen.de, berlin | evangelisches johannesstift, berlin | beiersdorf, hamburg | evonik industries, essen | fri-el seapower s.p.a, bolzano | land baden-württemberg, stuttgart | nordmilch, bremen | zoom erlebniswelt, gelsenkirchen
brands vw | smart | milram | nivea | roland berger | sap | t-systems | fri-el | evonik | vattenfall | total | zoom | vmware
Responsible according to §6 MDStV/TDG
Mesut Capkin
Steigerstr. 2
45891 Gelsenkirchen
(+49) (0)209 / 940 49 703
(+49) (0)160 / 243 19 44
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